Livre Paris Chic - Assouline
Livre Paris Chic - Assouline
Paris est la ville du chic et, à ce titre, son style inné brille dans toute la ville, même dans les espaces les plus simples. Bistrots pittoresques, ruelles pittoresques, ateliers d'artistes et personnages uniques sont transformés en une peinture de genre moderne lorsqu'ils se déroulent à Paris. Des skateurs aux antiquaires, ce volume est un aperçu de la vie parisienne, comme si vous regardiez par-dessus le bord du balcon de votre propre pied-à-terre.
En collaboration, l'auteure Alexandra Senes et le photographe Oliver Pilcher ouvrent les portes de certaines des maisons les plus sophistiquées de Paris, partageant un portrait intime de diverses familles. Les moments calmes et quotidiens de la vie parisienne sont éternels à travers l’optique de Pilcher. Les monuments ne font pas une ville; les gens le font.
Paris is the city of chic—and as such, its innate style shines throughout the city, even in the simplest spaces. Quaint bistros, picturesque alleyways, artists’ studios and unique characters are elevated to a modern-day genre painting when set in Paris. From skateboarders to antiquarians, this volume is a glimpse into Parisian life, as if peering over the edge of the balcony at your own pied-a-terre.
Collaboratively, author Alexandra Senes and photographer Oliver Pilcher open the doors to some of the most sophisticated homes in Paris, sharing an intimate portrait of various families. The quiet, daily moments of Parisian life are eternalized through Pilcher’s lens. Monuments don’t make a city; the people do.
280 pages
Plus de 200 illustrations
Langue Anglaise
Sortie en septembre 2020
L 10 x L 13 x P 1,5 pouces
Couverture rigide en soie
ISBN: 9781614289333
6,0 livres
Paris is the city of chic and, as such, its innate style shines throughout the city, even in the simplest spaces. Quaint bistros, picturesque alleys, artist studios and unique characters are transformed into a modern genre painting when they take place in Paris. From skateboarders to antique shops, this volume is a glimpse into Parisian life, as if you were looking over the balcony edge of your own pied-à-terre.
Together, author Alexandra Senes and photographer Oliver Pilcher open the doors to some of Paris' most sophisticated homes, sharing an intimate portrait of diverse families. The calm, everyday moments of Parisian life are eternal through Pilcher’s perspective. Monuments do not make a city; people do.
Paris is the city of chic — and as such, its innate style shines throughout the city, even in the simplest spaces. Quaint bistros, picturesque alleyways, artists ’studios and unique characters are elevated to a modern-day genre painting when set in Paris. From skateboarders to antiquarians, this volume is a glimpse into Parisian life, as if peering over the edge of the balcony at your own pied-a-terre.
Collaboratively, author Alexandra Senes and photographer Oliver Pilcher open the doors to some of the most sophisticated homes in Paris, sharing an intimate portrait of various families. The quiet, daily moments of Parisian life are eternalized through Pilcher’s lens. Monuments don’t make a city; the people do.
280 pages
Over 200 illustrations
English language
Release in September 2020
L 10 x W 13 x D 1.5 inches
Hard silk cover
ISBN: 9781614289333
6.0 lbs